Voiceover application part 2 - via Telephone
Welcome to our second post for Voice talents how to contact us or other agencies via telehpone.
I know that professional voice artists dont like self-marketing, but when it comes to the first application via telephone it is most important to be prepared.
So gather all the information you need about us or the job/agency you want to apply. You will need to know the right contact person, her/his email or telephone number and their important projects.
Here is an example of a normal telephone call we get almost every day from Voice talents:
Me: "Engel, hallo ?"
Voice talent: "Hello, my name is Peter Streitz, I`m an american voice actor and I would like send you my voice demos. Are you the right person at Mixwerk ?
Me: "Yes I am"
Voice talent: "I have recorded since many years here in the US for well-known clients. May I send you my demos for commercials, documentaries and elarning. What else do you need ?"
Me: "Just send one demo each, that would be fine."
Voice talent: "Ok, thanks, to which email I send these to?"
Me:"Its engel ad mixwerk de"
Voice talent: "Perfect, alright, and if you have any questions just let me know."
Me: "Sure"
Voice talent: "Ok, bye"
Me: "By"
And here is our better example, just click on it:
The difference:
Monica had gatherd all the information about our company before the call. She knew the right contact person and his email. Further more, she had selected voice demos from herself that fit exatly to our projects we normally record.
Finally she asked about our stuido fees for her own clients which is a perfet "anchor". Even if she will not use our studio in the future to record, she will be well remembered from our stuff.
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