Best microphones for voice recording 2019
4 years after our first major microphone analysis for voice recordings in 2015, the update for 2019 is now underway. It incorporates many suggestions from professional speakers, speaker agencies, microphone forums and our daily work. Above all, however, the latest microphones, that we have found on the market and tested for you.
One more important informaton for you is that we have set the USD to Euro exchange rate to 1:1 so that you can easily change from Euro to USD.
Have fun.
1. Introduction
2. Microphone types and features
3. 25 voiceover microphones in comparison
3.1. Price range up to 500 Euro/USD
3.2. Price range up to 1.000 Euro/USD
3.3. Price range starting from 2.000 Euro/USD
1. Introduction
As we did in 2015, we would like first to give an introduction to the technical differences in microphones, this time as a link to the old Mixwerk blog.
3. 25 voiceover microphones in comparison
The following microphones are listed in 3 price categories. So you can see, which one is best for your budget. So here we go:
3.1. Price range up to 1.000 Euro/USD
3.2. Price range up to 2.000 Euro/USD
3.3. Price range starting from 2.000 Euro/USD
3.1. Price range up to 1.000 Euro/USD
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphon , Directional characteristic: Multi, cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 135 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 16 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 230 Euro/USD
The sE 2200a MKII is the new edition of the award-winning sE 2200a and comes as a cardioid or multi directional.
The heart of the 2200a II is the handmade brass capsule, which was also used in its predecessor.
Regarding voice recordings we would recommend the 2200a MKII C. Here you have only the cardioid characteristics to choose from and do without the characteristics - omnidirectional and figure-eight.
In addition to the standard -10 dB attenuation, the Multi-Pattern 2200a II offers a -20 dB setting for additional signal attenuation. A low cut is also available, but the operating frequency is not known.
It is especially practical to install the 2200a MKII. With the twist of a single knob, the microphone is quickly and securely attached to the mounting.
In addition, the microphone comes with SE's curved metal pop protection. This saves money and may also make the microphone interesting for speakers looking for a microphone for their mobile studio equipment.
Rode NTK
- Type: Tube condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid, Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- SPL max: 158 dBSP, Self-noise level: 12 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 430 Euro/USD
The RØDE NTK is a tube condenser microphone.
Its cardioid characteristic is perfect for taking down our voice.
The hand-selected 6922 double triode tube and other audiophile components are characterized by an enormous dynamic range, low self-noise and the tube-typical warmth.
The Rode NTK is especially suitable for speakers with their own studio, who want the sound of a tube for as small a budget as possible.
The sound is typical for a tube microphone. The treble sounds pleasantly silky, which you are only used to from more expensive microphones in the upper price range.
The case is made of metal and makes a solid impression. It feels robust and a bit massive. This is no wonder, as it weighs a bit more than the microphones, that come without a tube due to the built-in tube and its circuitry. A stable microphone stand is therefore a must.
Rode K2
- Type: Tube microphon , Directional characteristic: Omnidirectional, cardioid, figure-eight (continuously adjustable, Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- SPL max: 162 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 10 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 530 Euro/USD
The original goal in developing the K2 was to build a microphone with a typical vintage character, that is still technically state-of-the-art. The 1" high-end HF1 capsule, in combination with the audiophile Class A circuit design, provides a sensationally low self-noise for tube microphones.
The RØDE K2 is a premium condenser microphone with 1" gold-plated diaphragms. A stepless control of the directional characteristic from omnidirectional to cardioid to figure of eight is possible by means of a power supply.
The microphone is ideal for recording voice. Especially the low self-noise in combination with a balanced frequency response make this tube microphone a clear favourite in its price class.
Audio-Technica 4050SM
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid, omnidirectional and figure-eight, Frequency response: 20 Hz to 18 kHz
- SPL max: 149/159 dBSPL, SNR: 77 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 650 Euro/USD
Transparency in the high and medium tone range and rich bass together with highly developed acoustics ensure a wide range of performance and thus meet the highest demands.
A transformer-free circuit ensures virtually distortion-free reproduction at low frequencies and offers excellent correlation of fast transient response.
Sontronics Saturn
- Type: Condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Multi (omnidirectional, wide cardioid, cardioid, hypercardioid and figure-eight), Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- SPL max: 130 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 14 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 750 Euro/USD
The retro-style microphone "SATURN" is an enormously versatile and natural sounding condenser microphone with five directional characteristics.
The microphone was designed as a simple vocal microphone. In early tests, however, it quickly became clear, that "SATURN" had the potential to become a true all-rounder.
Its five directional characteristics and neutral sound make it ideal for vocals, voice recordings, guitars, brass player, woodwind player, string player, piano, drums, overheads, ethnic instruments and as a room microphone.
It also has a variable attenuation of 0dB, -10dB, -20dB and an LC filter, adjustable to 75Hz and 125Hz. It can handle extremely dynamic signals and virtually no EQ is required before conversion.
With all its features, the SATURN is an excellent microphone for voice recordings. Especially for small project and speaker studios, where no large selection of microphones is available.
Neumann TLM 103
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 138 dBSPL, SNR: 87 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 900 Euro/USD
The TLM 103 is the ideal large diaphragm microphone for anyone, who doesn't want to do without professional technology despite tight budget limits. It works with a transformerless circuit technology, that has already proven its worth in numerous Neumann microphones and offers an unrivalled low self-noise level and maximum dynamic range. The capsule with the cardioid characteristic is acoustically especially well balanced and has a very good cancellation for rear sound incidence.
The capsule has a flat frequency response of up to approx. 5 kHz and a wide, flat presence boost of 4 dB. The large wire mesh basket protects the capsule from explosive sounds and effectively prevents "pop" noises.
The entire internal structure is elastically mounted for protection against structure-borne noise transmission.
The abbreviation TLM stands for "transformerless microphone" and alludes to the replacement of the commonly used output transformers by an electronic circuit. Many speakers have been using this microphone for years, because it delivers the "Neumann sound" for relatively little money. However, we find the resolution in the treble range very striking for some speakers and therefore advise you to take it with caution. Brauner Phantom C
- Type: Pressure gradient receiver, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 22 kHz, SPL max: 142 dBSPL, SNR: 83 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 1.000 Euro/USD
With its Phantom C, Brauner offers a microphone with an extremely neutral sound and very balanced treble reproduction. As with all Brauner microphones, the workmanship is first-class. The Phantom C is recommended as an all-round microphone and reproduces male and female voices pleasantly and fully.
The outstanding quality feature is that you can't hear the microphone: where other microphones color or dilute the signal both acoustically and dynamically, the Brauner capacitors remain authentic. When tested with other established studio microphones, the Phantom C performs outstandingly: the (perceived) linearity in terms of frequency response and dynamics has reference status, the Brauner simply sound closer to the original.
Sennheiser MKH 416
- Type: Condenser shotgun microphone, Directional characteristic: Supercardioid (figure-cudgel)
- Frequency response: 40 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 130 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 13 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.000 Euro/USD
The MKH 416 is a short shotgun microphone.
Good directional characteristics with small dimensions, high consonant intelligibility and feedback safety are ideal prerequisites for its universal use in film, radio and television.
For work in sound studios, this microphone sets a worldwide standard for the post-synchronisation of films in the price range of 1000 Euro/USD.
3.2. Price range up to 2.000 Euro/USD
Sontronics Aria
- Type: Large diaphragm tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 125 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 18 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.200 Euro/USD
The Sontronics ARIA tube condenser microphone was designed primarily as a vocal microphone. It delivers silky smooth tube sound without sacrificing precision.
Inside the chrome-plated enclosure is a large 1.07-inch capsule, that captures male or female vocals in detail, while the hand-picked European 12AX7 / ECC83 tube gives you a warm character.
The included SPS-2 power supply provides additional pad (0, -10dB) and filter (linear, 75Hz) as well as a tube-ready LED, which indicates when the microphone has warmed up and is ready for recording.
The character of this microphone is of course not only suitable for vocals, but also for spoken words. This makes the ARIA one of our top tube microphones in the mid-range segment. You should, however, consider the self-noise level, which is usually somewhat more present in tube microphones.
Neuman TLM 193
- Type: Large diaphragm microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 140 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 10 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.200 Euro/USD
The TLM 193 can more or less be called the little brother of the U87. With its uniform cardioid characteristic and remarkably linear frequency response, it is perfect for project studios.
With the built-in K 89 large diaphragm capsule with fixed cardioid characteristic, the microphone guarantees a very linear sound even outside the recording axis (>100°). Compared to the U87, the proximity effect is somewhat milder, but that doesn't have to be bad.
The TLM 193 combines the superior linearity and impulse fidelity of a small diaphragm microphone with the high sensitivity and subjectively pleasant sound of a large diaphragm microphone.
The microphone doesn't have a bass cut filter. A pad circuit is also not used. The maximum sound pressure level of 140 dBSPL leaves enough room for extremely loud signals.
For us, this microphone is an inexpensive alternative to the U87 and is ideal for voice recording. The cardioid characteristic forgives small mistakes in the microphoning and it captures quietly, like loud signals, very naturally. You should only have a suitable preamp with filter available. In addition, we recommend the purchase of the corresponding microphone spider.
sE Electronic Gemini II
- Type: Large diaphragm dual tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 130 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 16 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.300 Euro/USD
The Gemini II dual tube microphone is a special piece of microphone history. The dual tube circuit means tonal coloration from the 12AX7 input tube, coupled to a 12AU7 tube at the output stage.
The result is a rich, detailed and intimate sound - reminiscent of the classic tube microphones of decades ago, but with a modern touch.
Most microphones use a transformer to optimize the output impedance of the microphone and match the microphone to the microphone preamplifier. In the Gemini II, this so-called "transformer" is replaced by a second vacuum tube. The tube prevents any high-frequency attenuation, that typically occurs with a transformer.
This gives the Gemini II an extreme high-end sound, that is normally only found on the most expensive solid-state microphones. Nevertheless, the rich, dense tonality of the tube microphone is retained.
For us, the Gemini II can be a real addition to your microphone collection. However, due to the relatively pronounced coloration of the signal it is not suitable for every voice and not for every recording situation.
Audio-Technica 4060A
- Type: Tube condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 150 dBSPL, SNR: 75 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 1.600 Euro/USD
Audio-Technicas AT4060a tube condenser microphone brings the warmth of vintage tube sound to the entire sound spectrum.
With a dynamic range that exceeds that of many other tube microphones, it easily captures the finest nuances of vocal and instrumental performance. Equipped with high-quality tubes, the AT4060a achieves the pleasant sound of a classic tube circuit.
Microtech Gefell M 1030
- Type: Condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 40 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 142 dBSPL, SNR: 87 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 1.700 Euro/USD
The M 1030 is particularly suitable for universal use in broadcast and recording studios, as well as in demanding home recording applications. It combines modern large diaphragm capsule technology with the latest semiconductor circuit technology.
The used condenser microphone capsule has a balanced frequency response with a slight treble presence of 8 to 14 kHz and high cancellation for rear or side sound incidence.
The circuit design of the impedance converter enables the detailed transmission of low sound levels and distortion-free imaging of very high sound pressures due to the extended dynamic range.
In the compact microphone housing, the internal structure is elastically mounted together with the capsule to absorb structure-borne noise and shocks. Our Studio Favorit since 2016. By the way, Gefell offers this microphone with a small height reduction, if that's too much for you. So test it out.
Sennheiser MKH 40
- Type: Condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 40 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 134 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 12 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.800 Euro/USD
The MKH 40 is versatile (e.g. main microphone) and is particularly effective in rooms with slight reverberation or acoustically less perfect. Therefore, this microphone is particularly suitable for voice recordings, that don't take place in professionally built recording studios.
The neutral directional characteristic over a wide angle range and the high reverse attenuation ensure a good sound balance.
Schoeps CMIT 5 U
- Type: Condenser microphone / Shotgun microphone, Directional characteristic: Figure-cudgel
- Frequency response: 40 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 132 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 14 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 1.900 Euro/USD
- Type: Large diaphragm tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Variable
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 125 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 10.5 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 2.000 Euro/USD
The R-F-T AK-47 MkII is a remarkable microphone with a very present, but not too hard character, which in many respects resembles the historical models M-49 and U-47/48. The result is a microphone with an outstandingly detailed resolution in the high frequency range and a dense and well-founded bass range without the common dent in the upper mid-range, that is often found in microphones in this price range.
The amplifier used in the R-F-T AK-47 MkII includes a new proprietary circuit with a NOS TELEFUNKEN EF-732 tube and a special output transformer, that is an exact replica of the historic BV8 transformer used in U-47 and U-48 microphones.
The Telefunken EF-732 tube is very similar to the AC-701 tube with its velvety character for the overall sound of the microphone. When this tube is used together with the exact historical replication of the BV8 transformer, a true sound experience is created. The circuit layout has been specially designed to ensure maximum signal-to-noise ratio and minimum crosstalk between components.
3.3. Price range starting from 2.000 Euro/USD
Neumann TLM 170
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone (Pressure gradient), Directional characteristic: Variable
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 154 dBSPL, SNR: 80 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 2.400 Euro/USD
The TLM 170 was the first microphone with the now so successful fet-100 technology. It offers symmetrical transformerless signal decoupling and maximum dynamic range with extremely low self-noise level.
Five directional characteristics can be selected with one rotary switch. In the sixth switch position "R", the directional characteristics of the power supply unit can be switched remotely. The microphone also has a switchable 10 dB pre-attenuation for very high sound levels and a subsonic filter with an operating frequency of 100 Hz.
The double diaphragm capsule located in the wire mesh basket of the microphone has particularly flat frequency responses for all adjustable directional characteristics. This applies not only, as is often the case, to sound coming in from the front, but also to sound coming in from the side.
The impulse behavior of the microphone is excellent. It is able to transmit all equalization processes in music and speech unaltered and is protected against structure-borne sound transmission by its elastic storage. It is used in a wide variety of applications in radio, film and television.
Neumann U87 Ai
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Omnidirectional, cardioid, figure-eight
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20kHz, SPL max: 127 dBSPL, SNR: 82 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa - cardioid)
- Price: approx. 2.400 Euro/USD
The U 87 Ai is suitable for a large number of applications equally in the radio, television, film and sound recording technology. The frequency response is practically linear for the cardioid and figure-eight characteristics, even in the upper tone frequency range for frontal sound incidence. This allows the microphone to be used at a short distance from the sound sources without producing an unnaturally sharp sound impression.
A switch on the rear panel provides 10 dB pre-attenuation, ensuring distortion-free transmission of the sound pressure level up to 127 dB. Furthermore, the frequency response can be lowered in the low frequencies to compensate for the proximity effect, for example.
The elastically mounted double diaphragm capsule is surrounded by a large wire mesh basket. A switch underneath the basket can be used to adjust the directional characteristics of the omnidirectional, cardioid or figure-eight.
The additional letter A in the name indicates a change in design compared to the U 87 i microphone supplied from 1967 to 1986. This change relates to the electrical part of the microphone; it makes the U 87 Ai more reliable by supplying the capsule bias voltages at a lower impedance, increases the transmission ratio by approx. 10 dB at the same sound pressure level and improves the signal-to-noise ratio by 3 dB.
Audio-Technica 5040
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 142 dBSPL, SNR: 89 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 3.100 Euro/USD
The AT5040 cardioid condenser microphone is designed as a studio vocal microphone. The microphone offers an extremely smooth sound in the treble range with controlled S-sounds. It delivers exceptional musical and high fidelity, deep realism, presence, depth and clarity.
By using four diaphragms in one capsule, the AT5040 offers all the advantages of an exceptionally large diaphragm with an extremely low noise footprint, without the problems of increased weight and reduced impulse response or other disadvantages that typically limit diaphragm size.
Brauner VM1
- Type: Large diaphragm tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Variable
- Frequency response: 18 Hz to 24 kHz, SPL max: 142 dBSPL, SNR: 83 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 4.200 Euro/USD
The Brauner VM1 is characterized in particular by its natural and modern sound with the highest resolution of acoustic details. Its transparent, open sound is equally suitable for vocal and instrumental recordings. The VM1 was developed as a kind of "Swizz Knife" for various recording situations.
Whenever it comes to recording voices of any kind, the Brauner is the first choice among tube microphones. Especially "complicated" male voices are recorded with the Brauner in such a velvety way, that a later post-processing is almost completely unnecessary. The Brauner must always be used with a high-quality preamp, so that it can fully unfold its class. The VM1 is also available as a low-cost model with a fixed cardioid characteristic.
If you want to use the Brauner exclusively as a voiceover microphone, you can save about 900 Euro with the "Pure Cardioid".
Gefell UM900
- Type: Tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Omnidirectional, broad cardioid, cardioid, supercardioid, figure-eight
- Frequency response: 40 Hz to 18 kHz, SPL max: up to 140 dBSPL, SNR: 78 dB (1 kHz @ 1 Pa)
- Price: approx. 4.200 Euro/USD
The UM 900 is the world's only phantom-powered (48 V) tube condenser microphone. It features five switchable directional characteristics, a high-pass filter and an integrated pad circuit.
The unusual lollipop design of the microphone is designed to reduce unwanted sound reflections from the body to the microphone capsule. The unmistakable appearance combines form and function with a modern internal preamplifier for exceptional dynamics and attention to detail.
The double large diaphragm capsule M7 with PVC (plastic) diaphragms is used as the capsule.
The tube is either a DL651 or DL67. Both are subminiature tubes (B5A base) first published in the 1950s.
In addition to the -10dB pad, the UM900 has an unusual +4dB mode, that disables the pattern selector and increases the sensitivity of the front capsule to 40 mV/Pa.
The result is a wonderful studio microphone, that is both easy nd extremely flexible to use, while retaining the warmth and smoothness associated with a vintage tube microphone.
- Type: Ribbon microphone, Directional characteristic: Supercardioid
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 141 dBSPL
- Price: approx. 4.700 Euro/USD
The AEA KU4 is one of the most extraordinary ribbon microphones in the world. Its proximity effect and accentuated mid-range make the KU4 an excellent speaker microphone.
The KU4's supercardioid directional characteristic makes it possible to record the direct signal of a speaker or instrument without surround sound.
The KU4 can process 140 + dB SPL at 1 kHz. So you don't have to be afraid of loud signal sources.
Once you get used to bright condenser microphones, traditional ribbon microphones sometimes sound duller than you want. The KU4, with its bright character, has the best elements of both condenser and ribbon - especially the smooth mid-tone, that doesn't accentuate sibilants in the same way as condenser does.
The supercardioid characteristic of the microphone, the bright intonation and the near field design provide the flexibility to use it just like a condenser.
Since the KU4 is a classic passive ribbon microphone, the preamplifier is critical for optimal performance. Preamplification should be at least +60dB or higher and the preamplifier should have a very high impedance. The same applies to all other passive ribbon microphones.
Wunder Audio CM7 FET
- Type: Large diaphragm condenser microphone (FET), Directional characteristic: Cardioid
- Price: approx. 6.500 Euro/USD
A "phantom-powered" version of the original U47 was released in 1969 as U47 Fet. The circuitry and its robust sound created by transistors were quite coveted. The FET version of the U47 has been one of the most popular microphones since its release to capture the larger-than-life sound, that comes to the fore when recording the human voice.
The components of the CM7 FET miracle have been brought as close as possible to the original.The use of an exact copy of the original grid is also one of the most important aspects to achieve the legendary sound of the U47.
Brauner VMA
- Type: Tube microphone, Directional characteristic: All continuously adjustable
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 22 kHz, SPL max: 142 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 8 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 8.200 Euro/USD
The VMA is based on the highly acclaimed VM1, but delivers a little more character through the built-in tube circuitry.
So who asks himself the question when choosing a microphone - more naturalness or more character? He should go for the VMA.
It skillfully combines both directions in one device. By simply switching, you can choose between the very natural transparent sound of the VM1 or the extremely full character sound of the VMX, so that you actually have two different Brauner microphones in a single enclosure.
As usual, the VMA delivers the pure Brauner quality, but at a proud price. However, thanks to its high flexibility, we can recommend this microphone to any studio.
- Type: Large diaphragm tube microphone, Directional characteristic: Cardioid and omnidirectional
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, SPL max: 127 dBSPL, Self-noise level: 9 dB(A)
- Price: approx. 9.500 Euro/USD
Since its original development in 1946, the TELEFUNKEN U 47 has been the microphone of choice for several generations of recording professionals. The original U 47 was the first condenser microphone with a switchable directional characteristic between cardioid and omnidirectional. It also contained the famous M7 capsule, developed by Georg Neumann in 1928.
To this capsule were added an amplifier based on VF-14 tubes (originally from military technology and used in mission and aircraft radios) and a BV8 output transformer. The introduction of the U47 took the audio world to an unprecedented new level of fidelity and the microphone is still considered one of the best microphones ever made.
The "family affiliation" of the U47 from TELEFUNKEN can already be guessed at first glance. The large microphone head with chrome housing contains a newly manufactured M7 capsule. The microphone body in a matt nickel finish contains a new BV8 output transformer and a new VF-14 vacuum tube; a "plug and play" replacement for the very rare VF-14M tubes of the original. The classic "TELEFUNKEN" diamond logo adorns the front of the microphone body.
Whether recording a symphony orchestra, a singer or a contemporary piece of music, the U47 is an excellent recording tool. The distinctive mid-range and extended low-pulse response give this microphone its unmistakable character.
That's it for 2019. If you have suggestions or comments, write them here, we will try to answer everything.
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